Symptoms of thoracic spine osteochondrosis: how to treat the spine?

Sedentary lifestyle, constant computer presence, lack of physical activity are now more common. All these and many other factors, of course, affect the human body, leading to numerous changes or diseases.

One of these diseases is osteochondrosis. Let’s try to understand what thoracic osteochondrosis is, what types it has and how to deal with it.

What is osteochondrosis?

what is osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosisis ​​a disease that affects the intervertebral discs and other tissues of the spine. Simply put, the vertebrae are compressed, thus compressing the intervertebral discs.

IMPORTANT! If treatment is not taken in time, the vertebrae become less elastic and begin to tighten the nerve endings of the spinal cord. Swelling and severe pain appear at this stage.

There are four types of osteochondrosis, each named after the problematic part of the spine:

  • cervical;
  • lumbar;
  • chest;
  • collaborative.

Patients often do not know which specialist to consult when treating osteochondrosis. It should be said that the therapistwill refer the patient to a neurologist to clarify the diagnosis. If the case is severe, you may need the help of a vertebrologist, a narrow specialist in the field of spinal diseases.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine or thoracic chondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine (or simply chondrosis) of the spine is a degenerative-dystrophic disease caused by changes in the intervertebral discs of the thoracic spine.

what osteochondrosis of the thoracic region looks like

If you look more closely, then thoracic osteochondrosis first affects the bone tissue (vertebrae), and with development it begins to affect the cartilage tissue as well. Consequently, osteochondrosis can lead not only to serious pain, but also to other diseases, and sometimes even to disability.

Let’s look at how thoracic osteochondrosis is diagnosed in patients. Most patients come with clear signs of illness. In the advanced stages, a specialist can determine the exact disease with a simple examination. In other cases, an X-ray or MRI is needed for a complete image.

Degree of thoracic region osteochondrosis

It is important to say that there is no exact period of transition from degree to degree, it all depends solely on the individual characteristics of the human body.

There are four stages of thoracic osteochondrosis, which pass gradually:

  1. 1 degree. At the very beginning of thoracic osteochondrosis, when the patient feels almost nothing. There is no severe or permanent pain, and sometimes even discomfort. Such feelings appear only after serious overwork or physical exertion, but most often the disease may not manifest at all.
  2. 2nd degree.The second stage is accompanied by destruction of cartilage tissue, resulting in a reduction in intervertebral fissures and constriction of nerve endings, lymphatic vessels, and even arteries.
  3. 3rd degree.At this stage, fixed changes in the spine begin. Fixed means irreversible. For example, scoliosis, kyphosis, hump and others develop.
  4. 4th degree.This is the last and most serious stage of the disease, which threatens very serious consequences. At this stage, the consequences are almost irreversible, because the changes in the spine become very serious.

Causes of thoracic osteochondrosis

Consider a list of causes (predisposing factors) of the disease:

  • pathological changes on intervertebral discs;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • impaired spinal cord blood supply;
  • lack of nutrients in the body (for example, calcium);
  • serious spinal injuries;
  • lifting weights or regular heavy loads on the spine;
  • constantly in an awkward and unnatural position in the absence of exercise or any physical activity (sedentary lifestyle);
  • curvature of the spine.

Symptoms and signs of thoracic osteochondrosis

Each disease has its own symptoms and characteristic manifestations of pathology. Osteochondrosis is no exception, although in thoracic disease the symptoms are often confused with heart or lung disease.

Consider a list of the main symptoms characteristic of thoracic chondrosis:

  • Chest pain or burning.The main distinguishing feature of this particular type of disease is chest pain that occurs after severe physical exertion, when bending to the side, with severe hypothermia or when the patient is in one position for a long time (for example, in sleep).
  • Pain between the shoulder blades.Worsening of pain is associated with raising the arms upwards, as well as with strong bending at the hips.
  • Dull pains, which occur during deep inhalation and exhalation.
  • Cough.Cough does not appear immediately and often when this symptom occurs, patients start treatment with viral drugs, which is a big mistake.
  • Discomfort between ribs when walking. The symptom can appear even in the early stages of the disease.
  • Shortness of breath.It becomes difficult for a person to breathe during exertion.
  • Night sweats.At night, a person is in one position for a long time, which causes not only pain but also sweating.
  • Numbness of the hands at night.The extremities may become numb, the symptom appearing in the second stage of the disease, when the vertebrae constrict to the nerve endings and some blood vessels.
  • Temperature.It does not always appear and is most often accompanied by severe pain.
  • Intercostal neuralgia. The patient feels stiffness and tightness, as if an invisible corset is tightening in the chest area.
  • Increased blood pressure.
  • Panic attacks.Panic attacks are typical of advanced cases (stages 3 and 4).
  • Pain in the esophagus.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region and heart.

Osteochondrosis of the chest and heart

Causes of heart pain or extrasystoles are often osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. The pains are either long-lasting (period of 1-2 weeks) or are strong and wavy. Often, along with the latter, there is a rapid heartbeat.

Patients often turn to cardiologists by mistake. But the examination reveals that this is just a side effect of another disease, so the "heart" pills do not bring the desired result.

Osteochondrosis during pregnancy and lactation in women

osteochondrosis during pregnancy

Chondrosis of the thoracic region often occurs during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It usually starts during pregnancy, when a woman has strong physical efforts. All of this along with pregnancy can lead to curvature in the thoracic or lumbar region.

During breastfeeding, the situation often gets worse, because often mothers are in the wrong position for a long time while feeding the baby, they are carried in their arms for too long or "sway". However, during the entire period, practically no one was able to start the disease after the 2nd degree.

VSD in osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is the cause of the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia. Experts say that VSD is not an independent disease, but that the disease is always a different problem, which in total can lead to serious consequences.

VSD in this case can occur with improper posture during sleep, lack of physical activity and inactive lifestyle, overweight, etc. As a result of the two diseases, the patient's blood pressure begins to rise, insomnia, numbness of the hands, memory impairment and more.

Osteochondrosis and scoliosis

Scoliosisis ​​a congenital or acquired lateral curvature of the spine. If we are talking about congenital scoliosis, then everything is clear. Acquired in this case is interesting, because it usually appears for a reason.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine can often be the cause of scoliosis, although the cause may be different. Scoliosis can develop in the third stage of the disease.

Pointed chondrosis

“Spines” are osteophytes of the spine, which represent the growth of bone tissue along joint processes or along vertebrae. They are called thorns because they often look like thorns that grow out of the spine on X-rays.

This disease can be the cause of advanced osteochondrosis. This is a natural reaction of the body that tends to increase the surface area of ​​the vertebrae so that the movement does not create as much pressure. "Thorns" are the most common cause of cartilage hardening.

Typical manifestations of thoracic osteochondrosis in women

The female body differs in many ways from the male, so with this disease it has a number of characteristics. In women, many autonomic nerve fibers pass through the thoracic region to the limbs and internal organs.

thoracic osteochondrosis in women

In women, chondrosis has a number of additional symptoms that patients often confuse.

This includes:

  • heart pain;
  • stomach pain;
  • pain in the liver area;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • feeling numb or cold in the hands and feet.

Worsening of thoracic osteochondrosis

Deterioration most often occurs in spring and autumn, when the weather conditions change dramatically, the body lacks the necessary vitamins, and human activity increases.

Worsening of thoracic osteochondrosis is divided into two types:

  • Dorsago.Sudden sharp pain that appears after a long stay in an awkward position. There is a feeling that the patient had a thrust of the dagger between the shoulder blades, which is very similar to the symptom of a myocardial infarction. It is recommended to seek help from a hospital specialist.
  • Dorsalgia.It appears gradually and lasts 2-3 weeks. The pain becomes quite strong and lasting, intensified by bending, deep breathing or prolonged stay in one position. It passes gradually through exercise and medication.

Worsening is a strong painful sensation that occurs not only when you are in one position for a long time or with a heavy load, but simply for no reason. The pain can radiate to different parts of the sternum.

What to do in case of an acute attack of pain?

Most often such attacks occur in people who have already consulted a doctor, have orthopedic mattresses, corsets and know what physiotherapy exercises are. Those who do not know about their disease, often call an ambulance, which is also a good option.

However, it would be useful to know a few tips:

  • Lie down and try to rest your body as much as possible. When a person lies, the stress on the vertebrae is minimal. It is best to lie on your back or in the fetal position.
  • Take painkillers if the pain is unbearable.Also consult your doctor for recommendations.
  • Try to lie down as much as possible for the first few days,until the pain subsides.
  • As the pain gets worse, you should get up more often and do exercise therapy exercises.

How to reduce blood pressure in breast chondrosis at home?

It has already been said that an increase in blood pressure is a symptom and at the same time a side effect of the disease in question.

If the cause of high blood pressure is osteochondrosis, then you can reduce the pressure in the following ways:

  • Normalization of the brain's blood supply.There are medications for this that should be taken regularly on the advice of a doctor.
  • Relieves muscle cramps.Regular exercise therapy as well as massage and physiotherapy can deal with this.
  • Removal of tissue edema.Physiotherapy, massage and acupuncture are also very effective here.

How and how to treat osteochondrosis of the chest?

Treatment of the disease in question usually takes a long time and involves a series of procedures. Some can be done at home on their own, and some only on the recommendation of an expert. Consider various treatments.

Treatment of breast osteochondrosis at home

Basic Home Treatments:

  • physiotherapy exercises or at least simple exercises in the morning;
  • special mattress;
  • simple self-massage techniques;
  • herbal baths and rubs to relieve pain and restore blood circulation.

Drugs and Medications

It is important to remember that pain relief and treatment are two different things. You should not constantly suffer and use painkillers, you need to take medication.

WARNING! It is very important to understand that osteochondrosis is a serious disease, so it is necessary to take the tablets strictly on the recommendation of an expert after a complete diagnosis!

Consider a list of the most popular drugs:

  • Pain reliever.Must be taken in case of deterioration.
  • Hydroprotectors(restore cartilage tissue).
  • Injections and injections.They are most often prescribed by a doctor, depending on the degree of the disease and the patient's preference for certain medications.
  • Ointments and gels.
  • Vitamin complexes.Any vitamin complex is suitable, it is important that it contains vitamin B.

Massage and manual therapy

manual therapy and massage

Massages are recommended for all types of osteochondrosis, because they help relieve tension, pain, and restore the nervous and vascular system. But it is important to understand that massage should be therapeutic.

Manual therapyis ​​a procedure that is very similar to massage, but uses slightly different techniques. Manual therapy is the impact on the anatomical structures of the human body by the hands of experts, in order to remove restrictions and relax the muscles.

The peculiarity of manual massage is that it can be performed in different positions (lying on your back, not on your side, standing or sitting). Often, during pressure, bending, stretching or other techniques, the patient may feel pain, but after the procedure, they always feel light and "free".


Acupuncture is not an affordable procedure for everyone, but it is still quite effective. The procedure helps to get rid of the discomfort and also starts the recovery processes.

In the early stages, acupuncture can be the mainstay of treatment, eliminating the need for medications or other procedures to treat osteochondrosis of the breast.

Physiotherapy methods

Electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, laser therapy, shock wave therapy, balneotherapy and vibration are often used.

It is important to note that there are a number of contraindications to these procedures, so you should consult a specialist.

Physiotherapy and exercise

The main task of physiotherapy exercises for thoracic osteochondrosis is to strengthen the back muscles, shoulder complex muscles, as well as respiratory muscles. Exercise therapy is recommended to be practiced in special groups, but you can do the exercises at home. It is very important to choose exercises for a certain disease and not to exercise during exacerbations.

Let's look at a few basic exercises:

exercises for osteochondrosis
  • Sitting on a chair, lean your upper back against your back and bend as much as possible with your hands behind your head(it is important that the thoracic region works). After that, the maximum bend is made in advance. Repeat 4-5 times.
  • Also, sitting on a chair and putting your hands behind your head, take a deep breath and then bend down 3-5 times, leaning your upper back against your back. Then repeat the forward bend and exhale slowly 4-6 times.
  • Lying on your stomach, bend in the thoracic region as much as possible(but not sharply), trying to raise your head and legs as much as possible. Repeat 5-8 times.
  • Standing, arms down, legs together.Raise your arms at the entrance, then bend back. After the arms are lowered on the exhale and the tilt is made forward, you must try to round the back.

There are many simple back exercises that help treat illness and are great for prevention or morning exercises.

Most exercises are simple and are taken from exercise or yoga:

  • An effective set of stick exercises. A simple set of exercises that will help strengthen your back muscles and straighten your spine. The complex includes 5 basic exercises that must be done daily.
  • Exercises for osteochondrosis of the chest with bulge. In this case, it is recommended to perform the simplest exercises of exercise therapy, which include bending the back in a standing, lying and sitting position.
  • Isometric exercises.

Isothermal exercises are rarely used, so let's look at a few examples:

  • Karate exercise. In a sitting or standing position, the arms are bent at the elbows at an angle of 90 degrees, the fingers are clenched into fists, the back is straight, looking forward. Alternately, each hand strikes in front of you.
  • Exercise "Ballerina". Sitting on a chair, your arms are locked in front of you at shoulder level. Turning right and left is performed alternately to the maximum (not sharp). If pain occurs during exercise, it should be stopped.
  • Japanese Welcome Exercise. The arms are folded in front of you at chest level, palm to palm. The pressure is applied with both hands for 30 seconds. After that you need a door. Put your hands on the edges of the opening and hold on to them. You don’t need to press your hands anywhere, you just need to bend your arms (as if you want to go through the opening) forward and then back.

Author's methods of gymnastics will help reduce the manifestations of serious symptoms:

  • 7 basic exercises by Alexandre Boninafor chest chondrosis.
  • Author's method of Bubnovsky.This is a complex treatment of osteochondrosis with the help of special gymnastics, as well as special unique simulators. According to the creator, the disease can be cured with this method even without medication.
  • Gymnastics from cervicothoracic chondrosis dr. Popova. The main difference of this gymnastics is that it does not strengthen large muscles (like most other exercises), but, on the contrary, small ones. This type of gymnastics is also called micro-gymnastics.
  • Exercises according to the method of dr. Shishonina.This method consists of 7 simple but unique exercises that strengthen the muscles of the spine as well as the chest.

Treatment with folk remedies

Consider the most popular and effective folk remedies: herbal baths, rubbing on the basis of calendula and dandelion, chamomile tincture, as well as tincture based on lemon balm leaves and orange peel. Various rubs are often used in folk medicine.

Ficus tincture with butter:

  1. Chop a few ficus leaves and mix with butter in a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. Then place the mixture in a warm oven for 1. 5 hours, then take it out and strain it.
  3. The cooled substance should be rubbed along the spine daily.
folk remedies for osteochondrosis

Potato wrap will also be effective in treating osteochondrosis of the chest:

  1. Take 4-5 potatoes and cook them, then crush and turn into a thick puree.
  2. This puree is wrapped in several layers of seal and applied to the affected area of ​​the spine.
  3. After that, the wrap is covered with a woolen scarf or a thick towel, kept until cool.
  4. When the potatoes have cooled, remove the dressing and rub the sore spot with alcohol, then lie down under a blanket. Repeat every other day before bed until the pain goes away.

Prevention of osteochondrosis in the breast

Prevention of thoracic osteochondrosis is an active lifestyle, without excessive stress. Proper nutrition, intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, as well as regular medical examinations.

But if we deviate from the general rules, we can distinguish several characteristics:

  • Sleeping on an orthopedic mattress in natural positions.
  • When working inactively, keep your back upright, occasionally getting up and doing warm-ups.
  • Morning gymnastics, gym classes, yoga and the like.

Such activities have a positive effect on the spine and the body as a whole, so regular moderate physical activity will help prevent spinal diseases.

In summary, let's say that osteochondrosis is a serious disease that must be treated without any problems. Self-medication is not recommended, especially if the pain becomes a constant companion. But we should also not forget that prevention is the best way to treat, so a healthy lifestyle is the key to success and good health!